Dr. Pickle & Phoenix Academy students

Phoenix Academy Students Perform With The Omaha Symphony

A select group of Phoenix Academy students performed with the Omaha Symphony http://www.omahasymphony.org/  at the Omaha Symphony’s Holiday Concert.  The concert was held on Thursday, December 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army Kroc Center (2825 Y St.) http://omahakroc.org/   Our students did a marvelous job. The students first learned the songs from our music […]

Nancy Lieberman

How Phoenix Academy Impacts Students

It was my pleasure to speak at the Scholarship Luncheon, on October 22, 2013, regarding how Phoenix Academy has impacted students in the metro area for over 20 years.  The following is a recap of my speech.  –  Nancy Liebermann I’d like to tell you about Phoenix Academy and how we are impacting students in […]

Mrs. Laura Bush Speaks at Scholarship Luncheon

Mrs. Laura Bush was captivating when she spoke to the 650 people who gathered for our Phoenix Academy Scholarship Luncheon on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at CenturyLink.  The luncheon helped us raise scholarship funds for qualifying students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the life-changing program that Phoenix Academy offers.  In attendance […]

Laura Bush speaking at the luncheon

Scholarship Luncheon in the News

The Omaha World-Herald and WOWT 6 News published stories about the Scholarship Luncheon.  The luncheon was held Oct. 22 and featured Mrs. Laura Bush as the keynote speaker. The World-Herald published three stories: “In Omaha, Laura Bush says today’s children need a support system“, “Literacy awards go to former W-H publisher and ex-UNO chancellor” and “Former first lady […]

Scholarship Luncheon Press Release

Omaha, Neb. – Mrs. Laura Bush will be the featured speaker at the 2013 Phoenix Academy Scholarship Luncheon on Tuesday, October 22 at the CenturyLink Center Omaha. “Phoenix Academy is a non-profit private school, kindergarten through eighth grade, for students who need explicit, multisensory, direct instruction in reading and math”, says Phoenix Academy Executive Director […]

C is for Chromebooks

This week many Phoenix Academy students had the opportunity to try out six new Samsung Chromebooks.  The Chromebooks are part of a pilot program to test the computers for use with Read Naturally our fluency and comprehension curriculum. Thanks to funds raised last May during Omaha Gives, Phoenix Academy is working on adding computers to […]

The Dog Days of Summer School

The definition of “dog days of summer” as per Merriam-Webster is: 1.  The period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere.  2.  A period of stagnation or inactivity. Well, here at Phoenix Academy, the first definition is true, it is hot and sultry, […]

Laura Bush will Speak at the Scholarship Luncheon

Phoenix Academy is proud to announce Laura Bush as the featured speaker at the Phoenix Academy Scholarship Luncheon.  The 2013 luncheon will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the CenturyLink Center in Omaha.  Tickets go on sale August 15th. One of the most beloved and admired American First Ladies, […]

Children Spell Thank You

Thank You Omaha Gives! Donors

Thank you! We humbly say thank you to everyone who donated to Phoenix Academy though Omaha Gives! on May 22nd. We were thrilled with the final dollar amount of $27,751 received in 24 hours! That will go a long way in helping with our computer lab. We were very excited to be selected as the […]

Screen-Free Week – “No Way”?

“No Way!” is how some of the students responded when presented with the opportunity to participate in the National Screen-Free Week Challenge.  Screen-Free Week is a national celebration where children, families, schools, and communities spend seven days turning OFF entertainment screen media and turning ON life!  http://www.screenfree.org/ Twenty four Phoenix Academy students decided to take […]