Phoenix Academy Golden Phoenix Day & Field Week

The last week of school, our students enjoyed a field week. We had many outdoor and indoor activities to celebrate their many academic accomplishments this year.

Outdoor TwisterOutdoor Twister 2

In honor of their improvements and their dedication to being responsible, being respectful, and being safe, students earned feathers. After three feathers, each student was rewarded with a golden phoenix, which allowed them to participate in Phoenix Academy’s Golden Phoenix Day.

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During Golden Phoenix Day,our students played games including pin dodgeball, jedi dodgeball and blob tag. While some students wiggled their way to safety in dodgeball, others worked to protect the pins they were guarding from being hit, and those playing blog tag connected with other students to create a human chain.   It was a beautiful sunny day for the event! After all the games were done, students enjoyed yummy frozen fruit bars and delighted in the success of the day and most importantly, their success throughout the year.

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While the school year may be over, the learning has just begun as our Summer School program will start for students attending on July 6th. We are also still accepting enrollment for the 2015-16 school year. This year we exceeded capacity and had a waiting list. If you plan to send your child next year please return your registration form as soon as possible or contact the office.

For more information give Nancy Liebermann a call at (402) 390-0556.

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