With May Day and Mother’s Day just around the corner, Ms. Sheila had an exciting project for our student art class this month: baskets! Made from berry cartons, our students had a fun afternoon making two different baskets, one for May Day and another for Mother’s Day. The class started with students using crayons to decorate tags to be placed on the handle, and then a variety of colorful ribbon was used to weave decorations into the basket. One student decided to decorate her Mother’s Day basket with a zebra print ribbon, because her “mom loves zebra print!” During class, the students also learned about the fun May Day tradition of leaving a basket of treats on a neighbor’s doorstep. When asked about his favorite part of the basket-making process, another student explained that he enjoyed “tying the ribbons” best. As a final touch, the baskets were filled with yummy treats and accented with a pretty flower for mom. Everyone left the class excited to give the completed baskets to his or her mom and a favorite neighbor! Thank you so much Ms. Sheila, owner of Blooms in Rockbrook Village. For more info on Blooms, please visit: www.omahablooms.com.