Please visit https://decostasports.com/shop/stores/phoenix-academy and place your sweatshirt order.  All orders are due by 10:00 tonight. This may be our only order with DaCosta this year. If you have a questions, please email  Sharyl Baca at sharylbaca@phoenixacademyomaha.org.    

Fit N Ready

Some of our Phoenix Academy boys participated in our ‘Fit N Ready’ program this morning and really enjoyed the games and activities they played. The boys put together their own version of a gaga pit. Check out these pictures posted below to get a feel for how much fun they had!

Reading with electronics!

Mrs. Schweers class used some new technology to help the students with reading. The students experimented with LED finger lights that helped them to follow along easier. As you can see by the pictures the students really enjoyed using this new technology!

NorthStar Foundation- Rock Climbing

The NorthStar Foundation is an after-school program that allows for some of our Phoenix Academy students the chance for additional academic, athletic and social opportunities. On Friday October 13th, the boys got the chance to rock climb under the super vision of trained and licensed rock climbing instructors. All of the students had an awesome […]